The Day Lily is a personal favorite of mine, and I highly recommend them for beginning gardeners.
Day lilies are EASY....they will grow in full sun, part sun, part shade, even shade...and they thrive in any soil type. Here in Southern Michigan, they grow wild on roadsides. We affectionately call them, "Ditch Lilies". Day lilies are beautiful from spring until fall. They are some of the first to pop up in the spring, turn into beautiful flowing green foliage and then burst into a variety of bright colors. They compliment other perennials and annuals whether they are blooming or not.
Day lilies are often FREE. They propagate and need to be split up every few years. This is good news because all you need is a friend with a beautiful day lily plant and chances are they will be happy to share a "chunk" with you. Dividing day lilies is good for them, you can't hurt them....they are TOUGH!
I have two rows of day lilies (above photo) in my garden to share with my children when they buy homes of their own. The day lilies (pictured below) are from my mother.
Day lilies give us so much joy!
Hope yours do too!